Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Myanmar Kokang
             Myanmar Shan State Kokang is located in the northest border, this is one of the Union of Myanmar ix rthanic miniority autonomous regions and administrative division name "Myanmar Shan State Kokang Autonomous Region" the northern region, east China, Yunan Luxi, Longling, ZHenkang, landscape Gengma connected to the international border 174km long, west, south and south verge of the Than Lwin river provides and Jiangxi Mong Ko, Meng Hong, Nam Kjwan, Chan Qing Shan and Wa Bang Nan Kjwan narrow strip of water, rivers immersive 166km, the geographical outline, like Sar Wenjiang Dong shore rising crescent moon, like a letter "S" to fill the gap art reproduction, total covers 2026 square kilometers, which account for 90%of the mountainous region.
            This first flush tea is from the Kokang region of Myanmar, close to the Yunan region in china. This is considered the highest quality tea that is available to the public in Myanmar. Recommendation: 2.5 gram for 16 oz water. Temperature is to your taste. 3-5 minutes infusing time.

Manufacture By; Shwe Taung Koe Lone Brothers Co.,Ltd
Address; Kokang Self-Administered Zone, Tar Shwe Htan Village, Myanmar.
              ; No.(Nga.2/73), Bet:62nd & 63rd Sts., Dalier Sts., & Zalattwar Sts., Chanmyatharsi Tsp., Mandalay, Myanmar.
Email Address;
Ph; +959-402657888, +959-73226636, +959-33761111, +959-33762222
Wechat ID; djx16898

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