Monday, May 16, 2016

AMCHAM Myanmar had the opportunity to welcome U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar Scot Marciel at a luncheon at Park Royal Hotel Yangon on April 7. Photo: AMCHAM Myanmar
The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar is organizing a delegation of American businesses to meet with the newly elected government in Nay Pyi Taw on May 17 and 18.

Led by US Ambassador to Myanmar, Mr Scot Marciel, the delegation will discuss ways to improve the Myanmar business environment and bring in more US direct investment into the country, according to a press release on May 13.

Delegates from 30 US companies, members of AMCHAM Myanmar, will meet with various Ministries and urge them to continue to make positive legal and policy steps further fostering economic growth that began under the previous government. The delegation will advocate for strengthening the legal framework for foreign ownership and business protection, the rule of law, improving infrastructure and services to support economic growth, and leveling the playing field for all business – private, state-owned, foreign and domestic.

“The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar and the American business community here would like to see the country develop and thrive, and spurring the economy and creating jobs is essential to that process.  As the Myanmar government is committed to creating a business environment benefitting both investors and the people of Myanmar by improving infrastructure and rule of law, while strengthening its leadership development, AMCHAM is at the government’s disposal to provide advice, expertise, and support in bringing Myanmar’s economic climate in line with international standards and best practices making it a friendlier environment for investors,” says Andrew Lee, Chief Country Representative for GE and member of AMCHAM Myanmar’s Executive Committee.

The visit to the new government comes on the heels of a business matching programme held by AMCHAM Myanmar in conjunction with the Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce in February.  More than 20 U.S. companies, such as Ford Motor Company, Dow Chemical, DuPont and Honeywell, networked and fostered partnerships with 50 local businessmen.
According to the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, 17 U.S. projects worth US$248 million have been approved as of the beginning of this year, which signals an increased commitment and increased role of American business in Myanmar.

Credit: Mizzima

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