Friday, June 30, 2017

The Thaton industrial park
Seven local and for­eign companies have submitted invest­ment proposals for the Thaton Industrial Zone in northern Mon State, ac­cording to the Ministry of Industry.
The ministry said it is in the process of implement­ing the proposals put for­ward for the 678 acre site, which include medicine, soft-drink and garment manufacturing facilities.
“We will also work to approve future proposals, together with those that have been submitted and those approved compa­nies will be allowed to use existing industrial build­ings in the zone should they want,” said an official from the state-owned No. 3 Heavy Industrial Enter­prise (HIE-3) which has been tasked with imple­menting the project under the ministry.
Once home to a state-owned caustic soda fac­tory, the Ministry of In­dustry three months ago began accepting invest­ments proposals for the Thaton Industrial Zone. HIE-3 is overseeing the construction of new build­ings, water and electric­ity infrastructure, which includes a 30 megawatt solar power generator, at the site.
An expression of inter­est (EOI) was submitted for another proposal at Thaton and is pending approval, said the official who declined to elaborate on information about the local and foreign compa­nies who have submitted proposals.
HIE-3 is charged with making decisions on in­vestment proposals. Ear­lier this month, on a visit to the site Vice President U Henry Van Thio said priority should be given to proposals which con­tribute most to communi­ty development, job crea­tion and state income.
Other submitted pro­posals include a rubber refinery, a dry fruit factory and a rubber product manufacturing plant.
Source; MM Business Today

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